Is there sense in having this if nobody knows its there?

I'm not.
I'm supposed to do stuff for Uni right now. Like reading 450 remaining pages and writing a recommendation on two asian countries...well, as I said, no fun there.
BUT I am indeed wasting my time doing nothing really. Is that really a waste of time? Well...yes.
If I ask myself what I accomplished today (besides writing bad english for no good reason at all) I would have to say: I read about 5 pages of Global Marketing, I filled in a sheet for the human recource department, I marked some things in my agenda, I drew and played guitar, I ate Nutella with a spoon, I drove my gf to work (before doing any of that other stuff), I returned videos and thats about it. How is that all I did in 6 hours? I wish I had a job that kept me busy. If left to my own devices I will just not do anything. If it felt good at least...
Anyhow, I WILL spend the night reading and doing what I have to do, cuz there is a meeting at 9am tomorrow morning and I want to present my 2 countries (India and Taiwan if anyone cares). I suppose it'll be Japan in the end but never the less...
Shoot...I need to write a report thingy, great to have a blog that makes you think about what you do...I'll add that to my "to do" list. Yay! - Done.
Where was I...oh yeah, so thats what I'll do tonight. I suppose my gf will only watch CSI (which I hate) anyway, so no hard feeling on missing that...
Tomorrow afternoon (3pm) I'll have the 5th Mini company meeting. Shouldnt be too exciting, but maybe I'll be able to come up with a refined version of our grand grand shopping list product idea (dont ask...still the best approach). am I gonna do all the shit that needs to be done? 2 more weeks of Uni, 1 week vacation (that I didnt even know about till 2 days ago) and then all the examination shit will start already. Horray. I mean...okay, ALL the shit. One test about 500 pages worth of more ore less interesting (not to say boring) literature and an oral exam that shouldnt be a biggie. Still...we're fighting for an open book test. Or rather, I'm tangeled up in that fight...because I personally rather have a closed book test with questions that are rather basic than an open book one that will require us to read everything ourselves. We'll see how that turns out.
What keeps me going a lil bit is band practice, but I feel like that is going downhill (sooner or later for that matter) in a way. I wont get into the details, but the band as it is isnt stable and the output could be minimized dramatically if things go the way they will supposedly go. Time will tell as usual. I hope we'll be able to record some of the stuff before things fall apart. That would be enough to make me happy.
Here's a lil bit from one of our rehersals (recorded with a crappy digital camera and too close to my amp (cant really hear the lead...)). It's called "My own forest" and you can listen to it if you care... remember: practice+crappy camera ;) : Click HERE
Well...gotta get back to not reading my book, so cheers for now...have a good one.
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