Untiteled #1

(picture of my best friend in Taiwan)
My gosh, I'm beat. After going to bed at 2am last night this beautiful new day started with an 9am meeting at my friends Pizza place. There we spent around ... 5 1/2 hours on further discussion and research about Asia. I start to become more and more interested in the asian continent. My best friend is currently spending time in Taipeh and though he doesnt think its THAT great I could imagine it to be a blast. Well...being the spoiled brat that I am it should only be a matter of time till I hit ground over there.
Anyhow...after doing that work and eating a lot (of course) we took off for Uni and had another 2 1/2 hours of meeting for the Mini company. No boring details here..
Way to spend a day. It actually feels like today I can say I did accomplish something after all. Great! I need to study for my spanish class tomorrow, but I suppose I'll do that in bed tonight.
I'm not quite sure if this is the purpose of a blog really...its more like a diary (or verbal diarrhea)... Please dont comment on this, ;)
I'm enjoying Coheed and Cambria.
I like the new album. It needs to grow, but after all its pretty solid and has some kick ass songs.
Well...I guess they stick to what they do, but I wouldnt say its getting boring yet. I wont engage in the whole music discussion...I have enough of that every day in the car with 3-4 mainstream pop lovers (nothing wrong with that, but they're music nazis...lol).
I suppose this wont get any more interesting. I'm pissed because I havent heard from either New York or Miami, concerning my work placement enquiry. I suppose it was foolish to think that the C.V. and a recommendation from Wunderman Automotive in London would be enought to get into the Wunderman headquarters in one of those cities... Well, I guess I'll have to find something else, cuz I need something some time soon.
Cant wait for rehearsals tomorrow. Got some input in my mind. Hope it wont be cancelled again...wouldnt be good for my mood at least.
That's all for now. Got some stuff to do, cuz I'm busy and important and smart and all that shit! (Keep that in mind! - Main message of this blog!)
[In case anyone wonders: This is in english for no good reason, but because I like it that way.]
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