Friday, October 07, 2005

"Vordiplomstag" - Horray

Ja, heute ist ein guter Tag. Zur Feier des Tages auf Deutsch..schliesslich mein Blog und grad ists mir nach Deutsch. Wie dem auch sei. Um 2 werden wir uns aufmachen die Uni zu infiltrieren und die Diplome einzuheimsen. Jawohl. Damit kann man sich dann fein den Arsch abwischen. Hat doch auch was.

Besides that yesterday was a fine day and today has just begun. We'll see what happens. I have so much shit to do I dont even know where to start. Things have been piling up for weeks now and sooner or later I WILL HAVE TO deal with it. Things will be fine I think. Lots of reading and lots of writing. Research, research and more research not to be forgotten. I wouldnt mind if this case study wasnt that stupid in itsself. Oh well...

I'm listening to "Invalid Litter Dept." by "At the Drive In" and its a kick ass song. Check it out.

More to come...



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