I dont know what to say...

I have the laptop on my lap and I hear they say it is not good for your potence. I dont mind, its nice and warm. I listen to "A Perfecr Circle" and I tell myself a joke about a man who gets stuck in the desert with his schizophrenic eurasian red squirrel who believes that it is a lonely maid, stuck in a vicious circle between the strict belief the church has inflicted upon her sad soul and the love of her life - personated by that very man... . It isnt really that funny, so I wont quote it here, but there's nothing like a good laugh with yourself. With the laptop an my...lap telling jokes is the most entertaining way of interaction with myself right now so that will have to do.
So I get up at 8:30 so I can be ready by 10 to take off for college. I want to stay in bed forever, or at least the next 500 years, but I drag myself into the bathroom and get ready. As I take all the strength left in my body to put on some pants I get a call that tells me that nobody is gonna drive to school this morning. I make a call and ditch the one person left for that trip. We decide to go to the 2 periods at 4pm that are mandatory. Breakfast at my gf's and lots of it. I walk her dog, wash the dishes and drive her to work like an obedient lil man. I dont mind.
I spend some time doing nothing when I should have and take off for school around 3:15. I pick up 2 other kids. Turns out I had supposedly misunderstood my classmate this morning why I thought somebody else wasnt going either and that person waited and didnt know things were chancelled. Well...not my fault I believe, but the argument was there. I got a phone call later and had to listen to crap. I wasnt happy, but I really dont waste any anger on shit like that. I leave that to others. We get home from school, I drive to the stable (horse stable) ignore my alergy against...well everything known to mankind that could be found at a damn stable. I cant find my gf so I go back home, pack my stuff and go to band practice. It's okay, but things could be more exciting. The music is just there, but theres no style or concept.
After that the day is more or less over. Tomorrow I finally need to do that reading and I wonder if it will be possible to get that shit done till friday. The laptop is getting really warm on my... and I'm a bit concerned about my potence. Anyhow. As I said not a lot going on today, but enough to make me cry like a baby. I wish I was really busy. London was great. I had no Internet, nowhere to go (besides the city) and a rather long work day. In my tiny hotel room I was able to get back to knowing myself and reading and writing. Computers are stupid. If you have too much time they start to tackle that time and they shove it in their pixel mouths like PacMan shoves dots in his. I need to read...tomorrow at any rate, but also in general. I wish I had a cool video camera. I want to direct a movie thats a bit more professional and less crapy in its quality.
I wrote in Zach Braffs blog today and asked him to give me an internship place in whatever company he's working on with Scrubs or his movie. Not like he will ever read it, but ... see above - an hour is no time...
It's 00:05am and I need to sleep. I could write on forever or at least 500 years with all thats on my mind but for now this will do. Check out songs by "A perfect Circle".
Chee...nah, good night...
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