Thursday, August 03, 2006

Arrr! Welcome on board pirate!

Avast! This goes out to all them lubbers out there.

As I'm sitting here in me small, but proud imaginary bung hole of a ship, sailing towards the sunset n all that I cannot help but wonder weather the life as a pirate would bare some compfort of freedom among it's rough circumstances.

Just the other day this girl approached me with the words: "Come show me how ye bury yer treasure, lad!" - Had I only been familiar with the pirate lingo...who knows... I might have fired me cannon through her porthole...errr, or somethin. Sorry, gettin carried away on the pirate talk. Forgive me bad manners.

Well this whole internship situation was giving me the Davies for a while, if you know what I mean, but eventually I get the impression things might add up some time soon. Well...concessions needed to be made. KYOCERA in Meerbusch/Duesseldorf agreed to take me sorry sailor's arse on board while HP in Boeblingen (deep down south where they like to talk funky) will let me know what's happening till friday. Now shiver me timbers Cockswains, we're finally going somewhere on this cruise!

What sucks about this situation is that a) KYOCERA gives me €500/month and I could move to DD which I'd kinda like, while HP (there should be a...b)) doesnt pay aynthing and is located in a city I didnt even know existed. Further I have this guy in the US working on something as well (With the GACC in Atlanta). He might take another 2 weeks though and till then the other 2 will want a decision, given that HP would take me. Now that prolly wont work out as far as waiting for the US is concerned and that sucks..., let me spell that out for you S-U-C-K-S.
I bet one day after signing a contract over here he'll pop up with this great thing in the US and I'll be calling for me Powder Monkey in order to set an end to my worthless existence. (or something along those lines)
Well however it turns out, I'll be packing me duffle and sailing off to wherever doom or destiny send me. Aye aye!

See you soon...or not


At 10:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since your blog is written in English I decided to stick to that. Sometimes I think you are absolutely mental ;), but I like your blog. Nice writing style, always funny. I like it.
Good luck with your further search for an internship.


At 12:27 PM, Blogger Saladbowl said...

Well thank you o_O
Hope I wont have to search any further...

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Saladbowl said...

Wo bist du jetzt genau, Niklas? Schon fleißig am Schaffen?

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hört sich aber jetzt echt schon gut an für dich molli. hat sich doch deine ganze Arbeit mit den Bewerbungen gelohnt. Und du kanntest Böblingen nicht?? Mensch dat ist doch ne Weltstadt :-) Wir haben da nämlich auch ne NL. Und P.S. (aber sags keinem): aus prakikumsverträgen kommt man auch wieder raus ;-)), falls sich noch was besseres ergibt!! Aber das hast du nicht von mir....

Bis mittwoch im Rossi ;-)

At 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fang jetzt in ein oder zwei Wochen mein Praktikum bei Capri Sonne in Heidelberg an. Je nachdem wie schnelle ich da ne Wohnung finde...


At 9:33 PM, Blogger Saladbowl said...

Bäh...die Bei Mercedes sind ja mal voooollll unfreundlich! Pah, nachdem ich mit denen telefoniert habe tu ich mir das Blutbad beim Vorstellungsgespräch gar nicht an. Kann ja nicht sein...


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